Monday, January 10, 2005

The ends justify the means

Rather boring weekend really. Drank my liver into near submission Friday night while listening to a local bouncer discuss the finer aspects of Brazilian ju-jitsu submission holds. Spent Saturday drinking water and watching my NFL picks go 0-2 (although I was wise enough not to wager on them). Ended up going out late night and playing cards from 1:00-5:30 A:M for some ungodly reason. Sunday I woke up at 12:00 and watched the two blowouts as well as Randy Moss' "crass and embarrassing" celebration which I thought was funny as shit. I enjoyed it all the more because I had wagered $50 to win $115 on the moneyline and cashed nicely there. Although Moss is clearly a selfish person in some respects, his walking off the field with 2 seconds left and an onside kick to come had no influence on the game whatsoever. His two TD's against Green Bay, while playing on a bad ankle, however, had quite an influence. Moss is the best receiver in the NFL (sorry T.O), and had, before this season, NEVER missed a game. He is also an individual who will tell you what he thinks about things rather than the typical "one game at a time", "I just want to give praise to Jesus", answers that most of these NFL clones respond with. So Randy, for making me money and for amusing me with your antics, you get my gameball. Now go up there to Philly and catch some more TD's so I can make more money and see the NFC championship game up close.
Next Saturday night is the BIG game. Rams and the evil genius coming to the ATL. I chose not to pony up for tickets so I will undoubtedly be watching the game at a sports bar and unmercifully pummelling my liver again with unspeakable horrors. I can't wait.


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