
I have registered to play in the
Online Poker Blogger Championship!
This event is powered by PokerStars.
Registration code: 4879596
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To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting. -Sun Tzu, the Art of War
I have registered to play in the
Online Poker Blogger Championship!
This event is powered by PokerStars.
Registration code: 4879596
thanks for visiting my blog :)
goodluck on your poker blogger championship!
#502 out of 1400+, and I was the early chip leader at the first break with 28,000 chips from my original stack of 2000. Got 14,000 lost with a nut flush draw on the flop against two pair. Then went on tilt and bluffed em off. So it goes......
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