And the Walls fell down.....
She wept, not just for her sins but for our sins. The stale cornbread, the unsweetened tea, the soggy bacon. Do they not know that cornbread should be moist, tea sweet, bacon crispy? Soon they will fall to their knees, look up, and read the etching on the gate of their new home.
There is no victimless crime in my view. God is the victim. He has been insulted by your vulgar displays. Spit in the face of your creator? Vomit the life he has given to you upon him? How would you have Him respond? God ain't no sucka, he will not be played by your petty games. God ain't no holla back gurl. He will respond with some shit for your ass. And believe you me, his shit will be bananas! But god is no crack-whorish anorexic-looking singer who needs to get a tan and go back to making decent music. No sir. He is the ice-cold muthafucker who will tell you just what he is going to do to you and then do it, with there being not a damn thing you can do about it because this mutha is just too damn tough. God has a crazy streak in him and if you don't believe me then just ask Sharon Stone's husband what bit his ass and almost killed him with its deadly poison. That's right, it was a dragon. And unlike Smaug, it possesses no soft underbelly just right for a taste of the sting. God is one crazy sum-of-a-bitch. Fortunately, I've got something on him. I've got naked pictures of his mom. Want to see them? Here they are.
God is both order and the chaos, has both the scissors and the healing touch. God and Satan are brothers you see, and they rule together. We are all brothers of the flesh, and our incestuous dance grows almost as stale as the cornbread these days. Fuck the terrorists, bring on the aliens. And if we can't find any of them to kill, lets start with the scientologists. Maybe if we torture them they will tell us where to find them since they obviously know.
Am intrigued by cornbread, biscuits, gravy, and grits. I recall eating tortillas for breakfast when I traveled to the Southwest, but that's probably Mexican. This might just be the weekend for God and grits.
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