Thursday, July 21, 2005

Yin and Yang

In the current state of the world, the aggression and ruthless competitive nature that marks man's brain type is no longer productive in political affairs. Women world leaders could better reach out to warring factions, open communication lines, and perhaps create a truly global community where the atrocities committed by the hands of man would lessen. Petty bickering and silly disputes (such as religion) could be squashed or at least compromised on.

Q: What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?

A: Nothing, she's already been told twice.

Africa, although currently a cesspool of disease, starvation and brutal corruption, has the potential to become whatever it wants to be. While it has historically been the European community's whipping boy in every conceivable way, if we stick by the G8 summit's decision to step up aid and truly decide to crack down on the corrupt governments that infest the continent, perhaps Africa can once again rise and reach the heights it hasn't seen in centuries.

Q: What do you say to a black Jew?

A: Get to the back of the oven.


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