Saturday, December 24, 2005

XXXmas greetings

Christmas Eve and I am watching the James Bond with the gay killers. Highly comical. The manner in which 007 dispatches them is equally funny as he burns one up and throws the other into the sea with a bomb attached to him. I took a hiatus from the blog because I didn't really feel like writing anything since I am prevented from fucking around on here at work. Not coincidentally, my productivity has increased. The end of the year has been productive for your humble narrator as I may soon be delving into the legal profession due to my proficiency at passing a certain test without much studying. For all who read this from time to time, I hope that all is going well in your lives and that the next year will bring with it happiness and success (as well as orgies and drug binges). I certainly wish that for myself (the first part). Merry Christmas!


At 12:21 PM, Blogger xTx said...

right back atcha!

At 1:42 AM, Blogger Makeup Tales said...

no, i don't mind. aunque a veces temo perder mi fe, no he llegado hasta ese punto. tu dijiste una vez que uno vive para luchar. y dijiste tambien que yo era un poco inocente. ese comentario reflejaba tanto de ti que de mi. no se si te recuerdas, pero bueno, no me he olvidado. se te quiere. suerte con tu trabajo.


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