Gooey Goodness
As he drove past the liquor stores and various fast food eateries, signs on a decaying civilization, he wondered why he felt so damn happy. Nothing truly positive had occurred recently that he could recall, in fact, many of the recent events in his life left him feeling hollow. For if the glass can be seen as either half-full or half-empty, what then is a human? Are we merely shells of flesh to be beaten down by time's inevitability? Or are we God's perfect animal, a creature capable both of brilliance and savagry? Hmmm, strange thoughts from one on the way back to work from Zaxby's, a bagfull of fried chicken sandwiches dripping with gooey goodness on the seat next to him, voices droning on from the radio, blabbing about the same meaningless topics they talk about everyday. Why rationalize one's feelings, he concluded, merely accept. Actions we can control, thoughts we can guide down paths of our own choosing, but feelings..... they come from somewhere within, somewhere....
Reality suddenly ended his rambling thoughts with a 1999 Ford Explorer smashing into his drivers side door, a result of the red light our thoughtful protagonist had run. The crash reduced his car to a twisted hunk of metal resembling a makeshift canoe. As our amateur philosopher's heart beat for the last few times, his brain released its final thought.... "damn that sandwich woulda been good..."
This public service message has been brought to you by the letter "Z", and is dedicated to the memory of Johnny Carson and Ol' Dirty, pour a little somethin' out for both of these smokers will ya?
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