Thursday, May 26, 2005

Zen story and assorted crap

There once was a village in China. A monk lived by himself outside of town. The monk kept to himself, and only came into town to buy supplies for himself and his animals from time to time. One day a young girl from the town discovered that she was pregnant. Her parents were enraged and demanded to know who the father was (they didn't have Maury Povich back then). The weeping girl told her parents that it was the monk from outside of town. After the child was born, the parents went to the monk's house and presented the baby to the monk, cursing him and demanding that he take care of his child. The monk listened to all they had to say, and accepted the child with but a single sentence, "Is that so?"

From then on the monk took care of the child, he came into town to purchase supplies for the baby. The townspeople, who had liked him before, now shunned him and hated him for what he had done. His reputation was shot. Nevertheless, the monk cared for the baby and never said anything about it.

Years later, the mother confessed to her parents that a local boy was the father and that she had never been with the monk. Upon hearing this, the family went to the monk's house, apologized profusely, and asked for the child back. The monk listened to all they had to say and handed the child over with a single sentence, "Is that so?"

(this is but my poor paraphrasing of a story that appears in this book)

Congratulations to Kyle Davies and Dwayne Wade. Davies may be just what the doctor ordered for our injury-riddled pitching staff and Wade may give LeBron a run for his money as far as being "the truth" in the NBA.

Season-finales of all these Network shows.... *yawn*. Bring on some new Aqua Teen, Insomniac, Sopranos, Ali G, Curb your Enthusiasm, and Football and I'll watch. Until then fuck all these shows. Trisha Underwood wins American Idol.... whoopdee fucking doo.

South Carolina and UT players fight, steal, smoke pot, and get locked up. Some UGA players fight, drive poorly, and smoke pot and get locked up. The difference is some UGA players also save lives. Funny how these sort of stories get buried while the bar fights are front page stuff.

In light of my little post yesterday (which of course could fill several books if fully expounded on, as has been done by authors far greater than I) I found this little tidbit concerning Pat Robertson particularly amusing/troublesome depending on if you believe the world really to be worth saving.

Until our next installment, As sala'amu alaikum.


At 10:13 PM, Blogger Makeup Tales said...

Your Monday post gave you away. You're actually funny.


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